Entries by admin

Biodecontamination for state-of-the-art sterile isolators

FPS Food and Pharma Systems Srl, an Italian company specialised in the design and manufacture of containment & isolation and micronization solutions for the handling and production of active and sterile pharmaceutical ingredients, has established a strategic partnership with Amira to meet the new technology request for the biodecontamination of sterile isolators. Read the article (in […]

6 Log power for all

V-PHP biodecontamination has been used for years to remove airborne and surface microbiological contamination mainly in controlled and classified environments.The growing demand also in other industries for an easier use of this technology guided Amira to produce Bioreset® Max, the new VHP generator designed to offer extreme ease of use and maximum protection for operators […]

Bioreset Max: maximum protection for operators and environments

Amira is pleased to present Bioreset Max, the new vapor-phase hydrogen peroxide (VHP) generator offering the maximum protection for operators and environments from viruses and microorganisms. It is easy to use and extremely effective thanks to an advanced technology applied for years in controlled contamination environments. If you are looking for a user-friendly VHP generator […]

Reducing cycle duration of VPHP biodecontamination

Decreasing the time needed for biodecontamination cycles impacts H2O2 consumption and productivity. The knock on benefits on the bottom line have meant efforts by supplier to provide equipment that allows this. Find out more reading the article on Cleanroom Technology.

Combo: state of the art of VPHP biodecontamination

V-PHP biodecontamination systems can be portable or fixed, presenting different features able to satisfy specific needs and requirements of each company. Would you like to discover and evaluate features and benefits for a fixed biodecontamination system? Read the article (available in Italian) published by NCF – Notiziario Chimico Farmaceutico magazine on issue nr. 9 (November 2020).

Turbocharge your VPHP biodecontamination

In environments sensitive to microbiological contamination, VPHP biodecontamination allows to restore the sterility conditions needed to perform production activities. It is possible to maximise production efficiency reducing biodecontamination cycle duration assuring 6 Log reduction on all exposed surfaces even in areas with complex layout. Two test series performed in Amira ToTech proved the possibility to […]

Giornale di Carate: Amira specialists on the field

The ‘Giornale di Carate’ published an article related to the biodecontamination activity performed lately by our team of specialists at the Municipality of Triuggio. For all of us in Amira is an honor and a duty to be supportive in this particular and difficult moment.

Municipality of Triuggio: Amira specialists on the field for biodecontamination

Dealing with contamination management and control challenges on a daily basis, we offered our full availability to the Municipality of Triuggio when they contacted us for the biodecontamination of the Municipal Offices, the Parco Regionale della Valle del Lambro headquarters and the Local Police offices. The applied technology is based on the use of hydrogen […]

Cleanroom Technology: new advertising campaign for Bioreset

Amira launched a new advertising campaign on Cleanroom Technology, the leading international publication for cleanroom operators and contamination control specialists. First advertising page ‘EnemyZero – The power of 6 Log reduction’, published on February magazine issue, is dedicated to Bioreset innovative solutions. Do not miss next issues!

V-PHP biodecontamination to eliminate virus

Surface contamination can be implicated in the transmission of certain viruses, including coronavirus. Recognized by many international regulatory agencies as a surface sterilization agent, Vapor-Phase Hydrogen Peroxide (V-PHP) is particularly suitable to kill a wide spectrum of viruses and microorganisms allowing to reduce a 6 Log microbial charge on exposed surfaces. If you need to […]