V-PHP for effective BSC bio-decontamination

BSC bio-decontamination: why V-PHP is a winning technology

Biological safety cabinets, also called biohazard hoods or BSC, are designed to protect the operator and environment from potential biological contamination. In fact, it is considered a collective protective device. Reading this article,…
VHP to comply with Annex 1 requirements for bio-decontamination of RABS and isolators

RABS and isolator: VHP bio-decontamination to meet Annex 1 requirements

VHP biodecontamination in pharma industry Vapor-phase hydrogen peroxide (V-PHP or VHP) bio-decontamination is a process of surface sterilization that has been extensively validated and used in the pharmaceutical industry for many years. In…

EN 17141:2021 – Impact on microbiological sampler requirements

EN 17141:2021, introduced in April 2021, defines the new standard for microbiological contamination control in cleanroom and controlled environments, introducing minimum physical and biological efficiency specifications for microbiological

Distribution challenge in H2O2 bio-decontamination cycle

Regardless of the application, the size of the enclosure or the environment conditions, every H2O2 bio-decontamination cycle must deal with a geometrical problem. In fact, the decontamination agent is always released into the area somewhere…
H2O2 vapor gas or aerosol

VHP, HPV or V-PHP all stand for Vapor (or Vapour) Hydrogen Peroxide: but what is vapor exactly?

Hydrogen Peroxide is a very well-known molecule for the biodecontamination in the pharmaceutical industry. Its definition is as simple as writing its formula H2O2. As water, hydrogen peroxide has different state at ambient temperature:…
Trasferimento di materiale in camera bianca


Transferring material in the cleanroom is one of the critical aspects in the sterile pharma production as it can be a source of contamination for the finished product. How is material transferred and handled in the cleanroom? What are the critical…

VHP bio-decontamination: an ally for Annex 1 compliance

The new version of Annex 1 focuses on risk management by requiring manufacturers to have a clear strategy to prevent contamination of final products. VHP bio-decontamination is an excellent ally to help sterile drug manufacturers meet several…

VHP biodecontamination of BSC and unclassified environments with Bioreset® Max

Find out why Bioreset® Max is an invaluable ally for VHP biodecontamination of biosafety cabinet (BSC) and unclassified environments in the article published in issue 2021 - No. 4 of ASCCA News, the official magazine of ASCCA association. Click…

Easypass – Nothing will transfer like before

In pharma industry, transferring materials inside aseptic production areas could be source of final product contamination. The article published on issue 7 of Italian magazine NCF - Notiziario Chimico Farmaceutico (click here for courtesy…

6 Log power for all

V-PHP biodecontamination has been used for years to remove airborne and surface microbiological contamination mainly in controlled and classified environments.The growing demand also in other industries for an easier use of this technology…