Contamination control in isolator: interactive experience at Humanitas University Simulation Center

Amira presenting contamination control solutions @ Humanitas University course

Contamination control is a crucial element in the preparation of antiblastic drugs. Constant and continuous monitoring of particulates, airborne microbial load and any environmental parameter that may influence the quality of sterile product are imperative to protect patient safety.

Attending the course ‘The Future in antiblastic drug units‘ scheduled at the Simulation Center – Humanitas University on April 15, professionals involved in the cancer patient’s treatment pathway will have the opportunity to have an interactive laboratory experience.

Visiting Amira’s info desk, the attendees will have the opportunity to discover how VHP bio-decontamination, particle counting, microbiological counting and proper garments may support and help professionals in antiblastic drug unit (UFA – unità farmaci antiblastici in Italian).

Click here for course program.